Editor's Note
Welcome to the Community
photo by Ava Hawkins
Congratulations to Barb Mykle-Hotzon!
Editor's Note
By Suzie Giroux
As we find ourselves sandwiched in the middle of summer, this issue of the Ripple bids a fond farewell to my co-editor Wanda Sinclair. Living in our nation's capital, it has been, to say the least, a challenge for Wanda as she spread herself evenly and thinly between a commitment to the Ripple, a commitment to SLINC, and most importantly, a commitment to her growing family with the newest addition of a beautiful baby boy.
Wanda, a personal thank you for working with me on the Ripple. You have a creative genius in your mind and peaceful resolve in your heart.
A special welcome to the new WAVLI Board, to Karen Malcolm's new found freedom in her retirement from teaching at Douglas College, to Sara MacFayden's new position at Douglas College, to our Jane Pannell in her new position as AVLIC's Administrative Manager, and to the 2010 graduating class of Douglas College. A special welcome to Spring Herold as well who joins the Ripple committee in helping fill the void that has been created with Wanda's resignation.
Presidential Musings
By Jessica Siegers
First of all, thank you for your confidence in my ability to be WAVLI’s president. This is a role I take most seriously. My gratitude to the members of WAVLI’s Board who support me in my role, and who do all behind the scenes work, as well as the leading and guiding that inspires interpreters across our province and even our nation.
I was elected in a momentous year. 2010, while being mathematically intriguing, is important for many reasons. As Susi Bolender reported at the beginning of this year, BC in 2010 is BUSY.
BC hosted the Winter Olympic Games, and WAVLI members were amongst the volunteers who helped put on a magnificent show to the world! There have been, and continue to be, many other provincial, national, and international events in BC that are keeping our members on their toes, with their fingers flying.
WAVLI members have also had frequent opportunities to immerse themselves in professional development. Our Pro-D co-chairs have done a laudable job of organizing and running workshops, both hands-on and lecture style. The pilot run of the WAVLI Professional Development Series was a success, having such presenters as Anthony Natale and Terry Janzen. If you have missed the first half of this year’s professional development, DO NOT WORRY, there is more to come!
The AVLIC 2010 conference “Small Steps, BIG Difference” saw WAVLI well represented in our nation’s capital. Amidst soaring temperatures and humidity at percentages that would garner any student an “A”, AVLIC members digested, discussed, disagreed, and deliberated. The Code of Ethics, respect, professionalism, and mentoring all held the stage as we were reminded of our roots as interpreters, our source of language learning, and what it means to be “part of”. I came away from Ottawa thankful that I live in BC – the ocean breeze, the professionalism of our community and the opportunities for growth offered by our provincial chapter all combined to emphasize how fortunate I am to have grown up on the West Coast, both literally and professionally.

photo by Sharon Darling
As we reflect on what we have learned in our practice and from our colleagues so far this year, we must also keep in mind that which is yet to come. A WAVLI Special Meeting on October 16, the WAVLI Gala on November 6, workshops, perhaps an announcement or two (still waiting on tenterhooks for the pronouncement of Title Protection), and isn’t Christmas coming up soon???
Welcome to the Community
A warm WAVLI welcome to the graduates of the Class of 2010!

Nova Scotia Community College's ASL/English Interpretation Program
By Denise Smith
I was asked to share a description of our ASL/English Interpretation Program (AEIP) with Ripple readers and am happy to do so, below.
The Nova Scotia Community College has 13 campuses in the province, three in the Halifax Regional Municipality. Of those three metro campuses, our AEIP is at one, the new Dartmouth Waterfront campus.
Coincidentally, at the same time AEIP moved onto the new campus in fall 2007, we expanded. For the first time since we began in 1993, we started offering a one-year ASL and Deaf Studies Program (DSP), as a prerequisite for AEIP. AEIP also changed from a biennial intake to an annual intake. It took several years to research and look at other AEIPs before this could happen. In the end, we decided on a model and subsequent curriculum that would most resemble the current Vancouver Community College and Douglas College combination of one year plus two years. (We’ve learned a lot from Vancouver!) In our case though, both programs, plus part-time ASL courses, are offered at the same institution. This has the advantage of sharing resources among all three interests.
The expansion also changed our staffing needs. As a result, we went from one full-time faculty member and several part-time, to 4 full-time teachers and 3 or 4 part-time. All faculty may teach in both programs, depending on the needs and corresponding skill sets. Our faculty team is: Jim McDermott, Lead Faculty for Deaf Studies; Noni Warner, DSP and AEIP Faculty; Jana Delaney-Wilson, DSP and AEIP Faculty; and me, AEIP Coordinator. On June 15th, the first group to do both DSP and AEIP at NSCC will graduate. A big day indeed – them and us!
Compared to Vancouver, Halifax’s Deaf population is small, and this can present challenges. Deaf Studies students have a lot of assignments that involve either collaborating or learning directly from spending time with members of our Deaf community. The AEIP students rely on the Deaf community too – for classroom visits, practice interpreting and ASL tutoring. Of course during placements, students rely on Deaf consumers to allow for practical interpreting in real-life situations. Amazingly, Deaf people continue to pitch in and show their support in all these ways. The same is the case with interpreters. Our local AVLIC chapter, Maritime Association of Professional Sign Language Interpreters (MAPSLI), has about 35 Active members. We ask a lot of them, while at the same time, trying to respect their workload. Like other programs, we depend heavily on interpreters to take on these informal mentoring roles.
This June we will graduate ten, from a starting enrolment of twelve. For this coming fall, enrollment for 1st year is 10 and for 2nd year, 8. Every graduate who wants to work has always found at least part-time opportunities - if not in Nova Scotia, then in New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta or British Columbia. Some of our alumni are also working in the US. Many of our graduates find work in the school system or in post-secondary settings. More recently, we’ve seen rookie graduates explore opportunities for Video Relay Service training, in various provinces.
As mentioned, the AEIP curriculum changed in 2007 and as we work through it these first few times, we’re look for opportunities to keep on improving. Generally speaking though, the 2-year path involves more information and less craft in the beginning, and progresses to less information and more craft by the end. Students have 3 applied interpreting courses in second year, the first one involving mock assignments on campus and the last one being a five-week placement in spring, with a 3-week placement in winter.
This past year, British Columbia helped us out again: to fill-in for a maternity leave, we were lucky enough to hire your own Susi Bolender last fall, and Jen Ferris from Vancouver Island, for this past winter and spring terms. True to the maxim about change being educational, having these two skilled interpreters “in the house” was very rewarding. You can’t put a price on the value of outside eyes that provide fresh perspectives, and our curriculum and lesson plans are richer for it.
All AEIP students are required to be AVLIC members and on top of their studies, first-year students take on various fundraising activities so they can attend the upcoming AVLIC conference. For this year’s Small Steps, Big Difference conference in Ottawa, we’ll have both first-year and 2nd year students (recent grads) together at the AVLIC conference for the first time. Students can also receive credit for volunteering on MAPSLI committees. In all these ways plus more, the program promotes and reinforces the importance of professional affiliation and collegiality.
The students and teachers love having visitors – especially hard of hearing, Deaf folks and interpreters! So, please let us know if you’re planning to be in the Halifax area during the school year -- we’d love to see you!
Blast From the Past!
Study Group Success
By Jane Pannell, June 2000 issue of the Ripple
As a new professional in the field, it seems as though I can use all the support I can get. I'm lucky to work in an environment that provides me with a tremendous amount of the moral support, but an invaluable source of hands on and theoretical support is my study group.
Five of us, upon graduation from the Douglas College's Department of Sign Language Interpretation, decided that we would form a monthly study group - for practice, feedback, ideas about ethical dilemmas, and discussions about different working environments. We were thrilled when two other interpreters with a few more years experience agreed to join in.
I think a great part of our success has been the fact that we all bring a slightly different perspective to the group - we have K-12 interpreters, post secondary interpreters, freelance interpreters, and medical interpreters. Although not everyone is able to make it to each monthly session, we have managed to practice the skills we learn in WAVLI workshops, show one another signs that are new to us, discuss (and hopefully resolve) ethical dilemmas, as well as support each other outside of the sessions.
With summer upon us, we'll be calling it quits for 2 months, but I'm sure each of us is looking forward to the fall; to see what the others have to say, discuss and contribute to our group learning. To those of you who are new to the field, and even to those of you who have been doing this for a while, I suggest you give a study group a try. I don't think you'll be sorry you did!
South Africa, Airbenders, and AVLIC
By Simon Dorer
There is never a shortage of participants at the AVLIC conference, despite so many other activities to partake in during the summer months from new blockbuster movies coming out, to the FIFA World Cup, to summer camps and vacations. This year was no exception, as the Marriott, Ottawa became a Mecca for interpreters and Deaf attendees. In fact, close to 300 people from across the country joined in on the workshops, discussions, entertainment, and bidding wars. Oh yes, the bidding wars, but I’ll get to that later!
photo by Ava Hawkins
This was my first conference and definitely not the last. To me, the conference ran smoothly without any glitches. With any large-scale event, there are always glitches, and The AVLIC 2010 committee did an amazing job making sure the event was successful and any problems were under the radar. I personally have taken notes and made observations in preparation for our own event, the WAVLI 20th Anniversary GALA, November 6th, 2010.
I attended as many of the workshops as I could and each one offered a unique perspective to our field from strengthening our interpreting skills in specific settings to advocacy to ally relationships. At the end of each one, I felt liberated yet full of questions to ponder over. Everywhere I looked there were small groups discussing further the topic of the workshops they attended; it was exciting and a thrill to see such bonding.
Then, the big day of the AGM arrived. A day many thought would never end. By 10:00 a.m. we were half way through the agenda, but had only covered 5% of the content. Still left were the motions that were discussed at the special topics sessions the previous day, old and new business, and elections. As it turned out, more and more discussions were needed on these motions. Long story short, votes were cast, motions passed/failed, and the meeting wrapped up with a short yet humorous 2014 conference bid proposal from Winnipeg, and then the meeting adjourned…ahead of schedule!
Finally, time to relax at the banquet. Perhaps “relax” is too subtle of a word to use. Try “apprehensive” or “confrontational” and definitely “entertaining”. I admit the meal was delicious, great awards went to great people, but it all came down to the pants. Yes, pants: Sylvie Lemay's long lost and forgotten pants that made their way from Vancouver to the live auction and sold for $800! I felt sorry for the auctioneer who’s $5 increments and running to and fro between bidders was left drenched in sweat and on the floor breathless; picture something on the lines of a John Cleese performance. And with that we wait two years for the Calgary cast to host AVLIC 2012.